Frequently Asked Questions

  • We can help you figure out everything from the concept to content planning and marketing after the episode is live.

  • Our Podcast Editors aim to deliver your episodes within 48 hours.

    Other services we provide have different turn-around times. 48-72 hours for show notes and up to 72 hours for transcriptions. Marketing services are performed on a monthly basis.

  • Each podcast is unique and will require a different amount of work. Please connect with us to discuss your project.

  • We can definitely provide studio space at an additional cost. Please connect with us to discuss this feature.

  • Once you join the Fish Food Productions family, we will set you up with our handy project dashboard. Communication is managed directly though there. All messages will also send copies via email which can also be used for communication. Inside the dashboard you’ll also be able to see the state of your orders.

    You can also find us through our contact page.

  • We do offer a package that include podcast recording, mixing and mastering, and publishing the first episode of your show. Please contact us for more information.

  • If you use our recording platform you won’t need to send us anything, you’ll be able to record directly and we’ll take care of the rest.

    Alternatively, if you do record on your own system, you’ll be able to upload the files through our dashboard or send us the link to your Google Drive or Dropbox, whatever is most convenient for you.

  • The monthly coaching is all about getting you better results for your business and marketing goals through the podcast.

    We can take the time to talk about delivery, episode structure, questions about how to best promote your podcast, etc.

    Or we can dive deep into your ideal clients, how best to connect with them, check your podcast stats to see which content better works for you and your business, branding, customer journeys, how to find other revenue streams for your business, how to better align the podcast to your business and marketing goals, etc.

    We can also go over technical details like best microphones to use, how to record like a pro, how to get guests, how to be invited as a guest to a bigger podcast, how to scale your podcasting venture.

    We’ll also use this time to go over your stats like social media & podcasting engagement if we’ve created reports for you.

    It’s your 1 hour a month where you can ask the experts and get real and tangible next steps for your podcast and your business.